Monday, November 8, 2010

100th Post.

 - I'd find a video for making your own display case which I decided to wing in making.  I have some before pictures I can;t get to upload atm so I'll have to post them at a later date with the video I'd found.   But this is what I made, it isn't perfect, but it's my first one.

And this is my 100th post, isn't that awesome?  Been doing this two and a half months now.  I just wish I had some more followers right now.


A said...

I follow your blog through RSS, that's why I don't pop up on the list of followers. :-(

Shitty commenter I am, however, that's true.

Head2toebeauty sells some nail polish displays:

Shopping Addict said...

Well it's lovely to know you're here *Smiles*.
Thanks for the heads up, some of those look nice, maybe if I get the funds sometime I can get one.

Take A Peek...